A time of transition.

Mkhwana Zenah, has every reason to be thankful this merry season after finally checking in at Cherangany nursing hospital yesterday at mid-day.

The 38 year-old from the far end of Mt. Elgon recently got extremely candid with our Bungoma field officer, Ms. Ramadhan and Wadadia’s Corp Ms. Florence Chemomenyi about her four year struggle with obstetric fistula, coming to terms with the loss of her child during birth and later emotional battle with infertility.

For Zenah, the last four years have been cruel, everything was stacked up against her, she was always the hot topic of gossip in her area and her best bet was to hide away. Her husband took to excessive drinking. She felt unwanted and ugly. But no more, a chance encounter with Ms. Chemomenyi, had her hope for a normal life renewed.

Zenah, deeply wishes and hopes to be dry and normal ahead of the Christmas celebrations, and we can only wish and pray for a successful surgery and outcome.

Our powerful partnership with Fistula Foundation continues to give these women a chance at a normal life, thanks to the free reconstructive surgery.

Spread the #holidaycheer and love by supporting our work to #EndFistula and empower women, won’t you?
To help give hope to thousands of other women just like Zenah, who secretly and silently continue to battle this preventable and treatable yet devastating child birth injury head on to https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/get-involved/

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