Youth and sports
Youth and sports
Youth and sports

The organization additionally has a girls football team that is currently participating in the second-tier league in the country.

WADADIA F.C. WADADIA F.C. is a girls’ football or leg ball team constituting of girls from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who engage in soccer to hone up their skills in the sport. More importantly, they make use of soccer to pass messages to communities on HIV/AIDS, as was evident in their participation in the Kick Fistula Out of Africa event hosted by WADADIA in February 2013. Additionally, the girls are given free skills in tailoring and computer under the organization’s Community Technology Transfer section. The team continues to perform well in the Nationwide Division One League, although the organization faces challenges in financing trips to far off places during away matches. Overall, the soccer team has transformed the lives of many girls, who may have potentially fallen into the early pregnancy, early marriage and / or HIV/STI trap.