Hello partner and friend,

Today we write bearing good news that highlights the important works you enable us accomplish. Here how your impact is changing lives for good.

Your Impact!

Our very own Marion Abiona, Wadadia Fc’s striker, a peer educator and a beneficiary of our education and mentorship program, under the Berenica memorial fund, has bagged a Bachelor’s degree in Education Arts and we couldn’t be more happier and prouder.

Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) we are always committed to making a difference, and we believe, to change the dynamics and reshape conversations around and about women empowerment, we have to have women at all levels.

Marion is on to something great and we look forward to what the future holds.

To join our cause and enable other bright yet needy students access quality education, visit https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/get-involved/

In her own words;

” I wouldn’t have imagined i will ever create such an everlasting memory imprinted in my life. someone saw potential in me and gave me a chance to live my dream. It is an honour i will never take for granted and this is why i am sincerely thankful for the support, encouragement, care and patience you have accorded me for the past four years.

You have uplifted me financially,socially, spiritually, psychologically and mentally and i pray that blessings be bestowed along your path in abudance.

Thank you so much Madam Director, i finally made it🎓”

Proudly associated.

Have a happy weekend.



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