MondayVibes that inspire us to continue the fight to #endfistula .

Meet the calm, kind and a neat dresser, Amondi, an Obstetric fistula survivor with a pleasant sense of humour. As you will come to know, she’s been pretty roughed up by life.

After the birth of her last born baby in 2013, do all she could, she just couldn’t seem to control both her urine and stool and as a result her young marriage came to an abrupt end.And later lost her vegetable business, of course no one wanted to buy from the woman with the terrible strange odor. Left with no one to care for her and her babies, she moved back home with her mother and younger sister.

Despite all traditional herbal interventions, nothing worked, and for eight straight years leaking urine and stool while wasting away, it was an accepted fact among her maleli villagers that, Amondi would die leaking urine and stool. However fate had other plans in store for the depressed young lady, thanks to your kind and generous support that goes along way in ensuring our staff reach far end areas, Amondi was visited by Wadadia’s field team during a door to door campaign to raise awareness about fistula and #COVID19outbreak back in March 2020. After counseling and preparation and though scared, deep down she knew, that surgery was her only opportunity and chance at a normal life if she wanted her dignity back and be able to be a mother to her young ones.

She was successfully repaired at Cherangany nursing hospital free of charge courtesy of the Charity Fistula Foundation .

Now majoring in computer packages and business skills classes, Amondi,recently revealed that she feels pretty happy and impressed with her progress and the direction her life is taking, she hopes to one day set up and run a cyber cafe business.

This #Christmas spread awareness that Fistula is preventable and treatable and help transform a life.
To support our work to end fistula and empower survivors to live a vibrant and be financially independent visit https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/

Thank you so very much for your support.

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