Dear Partner and Friend,

We join the global community in commemorating #mentalhealthday2023 and unite behind the theme “Mental health is a universal human right” despite tremendous efforts made to #stopthestigma and encourage open conversations in the space, mental illness still remains a major health concern.

wmhd23 is a yearly awakening and reminder to pay extra attention to our #mentalwellbeing and that of others.

In this light, we applaud the steady strides and progress our field teams across the country make in addressing major barriers to seeking and promoting better #mentalhealth and awareness in communities.

By lending a keen ear, providing support including counseling Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) Psychosocial support department is promoting better mental health in early childhood, support to children, socio-economic empowerment and social support to survivors of gender based violence, fistula and people living with HIV/AIDs

Mental health affects us all, it is our role to support each other.

With Love,


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