Another of our favorite partners, our dearest Partos honours our Founder and Lead Director Madam Habiba Mohamed for her participation in the just concluded partos innovation festival 2023 and more so for her longtime commitment to empower the marginalized women and girls.

Here’s a message shared by our Founder via social media, moments after receiving the certificate.

What an amazing way to start the week with a very heart warming gift from Partos. Am greatful and humbled by your recognition and kind words. I dedicate this gift to the entire Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) family for being passionate and committed to serving Humanity.

Special appreciation goes to all the fistula survivors put there, members of the Voice of Hope and Action; a fistula survivors movement, Fistula Foundation The Voice AmplifyChange and all our like minded partners with whom we jointly effect change at the highest level. Your support had been very instrumental in transforming many lives as we strive to restore human dignity . Let’s continue to innovate grow and serve together.

This gift was accompanied by the following note.


“Dear Habiba,

Thank you so much for your great presentation at the Partos Innovation Festival! Your presence and engagement in this event were part of what made it such a success.

On behalf of Partos, I present you with a special token of our appreciation. In lieu of traditional speaker gifts, we have chosen to take a sustainable and environmentally conscious approach. For your contribution to the festival, we have planted trees in your name in the Netherlands and Indonesia. Attached is the certificate by Trees for All.

Thank you for sharing your insights, knowledge, and story with us. Seeing how Wadadia has grown and your dedication to driving positive change is inspiring. Let’s continue to innovate, collaborate, and grow together, just as the trees we’ve planted today will do for our planet! “

kickfistulaoutofafrica #EmpoweringCommunities #wadadia #WADADIA #partosinnovationfestival #Partos #VoicesofHopeandAction #FistulaSurvivorsMovement.#inclusion #diversityandinclusion

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