About Monday and Tuesday, which were pivotal moments in our program implementation, saw children of clients who were delivered after prolonged and obstructed labor that resulted in their mothers suffering the debilitating and devastating child birth condition for years on end, accompanied their mothers for the weekly fistula survivors support group meeting.

Gracing the session was our Founder and Lead Director Ms. Habiba C N Mohamed whose invested in ensuring that these women lead a normal life again.

Speaking during the joyous session, the children expressed immense happiness and gratitude. They are simply happy to have their mothers active and participating in social activities and the fact that they are permanently cured is a blessing.

Support group leaders brought the Director up to speed on the groups incoming generating activities, with their farming and catering projects doing pretty well.

Ending Fistula and empowering survivors through our support groups, vocational and life skills training remains a top priority for Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA)

To support our rehabilitation and reintegration program click on https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/ for these women the opportunity to reintegrate into the community with dignity will not only improve their lives but that of their entire families.









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