Dear Partner and Friend,

Thanks to ourr deep, long-standing and respectful relationships with the Ministry of Health has our teams raising awareness about sexual reproductive health issues including obstetric fistula, cervical cancer, HIV/AIDs, STI’s, safe motherhood and Sexual gender based violence in remote health dispensaries.

Such talks and partnerships are transformational, helping community members access crucial health services in real-time.The field teams focus on good practices and lived experiences by putting emphasis on prevention, tackling myths and misconceptions, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis with program beneficiaries sharing their stories with the aim to inspire others, which has proven very effective with more women and girls stepping forward.

Our reintegration and screening officer Ms. Florence Wanyonyi last week held a health talk at a local health facility and as a results, four women were screened found to have fistula and yesterday evening, they checked in at Gynocare women’s hospital and are set for repair.To invest in our community sensitization campaigns, that allows us to reach a wider audience with life transforming information and services, click on https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/ Thank you for your generous and continued support.


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