inthistogether unlocking her potential through education.

HerStoryInTheMaking Fatuma Sumba a beneficiary of our education and mentorship program and 3rd year student at University of Nairobi yesterday, reached out to share her educational progress and expressed expotentional gratitude to Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) Founder and Lead Director Ms. Habiba C N Mohamed for significantly impacting her education and overall wellbeing.

Our education program is grounded on long-term mentoring, the principle of empowerment and investing in bright yet less privilege girls to build their confidence in communities with a goal to create change makers who will in turn make a positive impact in communities.

To support our education and mentorship program, visit: https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/, your support makes it possible for bright yet needy students like Fatuma unlock their full potential.

Photos accompanying Fatima’s message of gratitude.

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