Hello #september.

Dear friend and partner,

We usher in the very first day of the new month by sharing uplifting and inspiring program update.

No longer isolated or stigmatized; Meet 31 year old Eunes Adhiambo, in May 2021, the single mother of four had her hope and dignity restored following a successful reconstructive surgery at Gynocare women’s hospital.

Despite a traumatic child hood and rocky marriage, Eunes who hails from Iwichirum village in Siaya County is a determined entrepreneur.

New found hope; Eunes is literally invested in her thriving fish and fingerling business, this provides her with a source of income that allows her to pay her children’s school fees, provide food and other necessities.

She says our programs helped tremendously to transform her life. She underwent Psychosocial support that helped her heal as well as gain confidence.

Our rehabilitation and reintegration programs serve to strengthen survivors recovery and resilience in a sustainable manner.

Our programs include counseling, vocational skills training, training in financial literacy, business and life skills.

To support our initiative that’s geared towards rebuilding the livelihoods of women like Eunes head on to https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/ thank you so very much for your generous support. You help change lives.

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