It’s official: Tune in tomorrow on 📻 Catholic Diocese of Malindi- Social Communications 🕚 11 am EAT as our Founder and Lead Director and Fistula Foundation Regional Director programs Ms. Habiba C N Mohamed who is vocal about human rights with a keen interest in reproductive health, particularly Obstetric fistula- fistula is one of the most serious and tragic child birth injuries. She utilizes her large platform to raise awareness and speak out against injustices.

Listen in.

She will be joined by our very own Seline Wamwea Program assistant on the hour long in-depth conversation on Fistula prevention, treatment and care. The two will dive into our key role in supporting women and girls suffering from fistula in the Coastal region and what keeps us going!

Listen in live: http://uk3-vn.mixstream.net8144/; listen.mp3

#Fistulaispreventable& treatable

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