
Many thanks to all our supporters, fans and friends, you are an integral part of #sharingtheword about our life changing programs across the country, every day and those efforts are invaluable and don’t go unnoticed.

Thanks to such efforts, 50 year old, Philkona Shikuku a fistula patient from Kakamega heard about our work on her nephew’s Facebook page and after suffering for 10 years, she’s headed to Cherangany for repair.

Jacqueline Achieng’ 30 from Siaya reported to Vihiga County referral hospital and is awaiting reconstructive surgery.

Stories like these are the reasons for everything that we do here at Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA)

One woman at a time, we are giving hope, restoring dignities, freedom and love.

Take a second and think about this, if you partner with us, you will be apart of all of it, you will help us reach more women with the life transforming services and empowering women and girls.

With your support, together we can change the narrative. Remember when you change a woman’s life, you are doing so much more, how’s that you ask, you are changing a family, a community and a destiny.

There’s are various ways you can partner with us;

  1. Sharing the word in your circle of friends and family.
    Remember #Fistula is preventable and treatable.
  2. You can get involved by donating to help our teams reach more women in hard to reach areas, to get involved head on to https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/
  3. Make contributions to towards our program from the comfort of our home straight to our co-op account.
    Mpesa paybill: 400222
    Account: 314213#
    Gratitude and much appreciation for your continued support.

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