Dear Partner and Friend,

Greeting, today we are delighted to share the amazing work being implemented by the male involvment groups, these groups are made up of spouses, fathers, brothers, sons and friends of survivors of obstetric fisula.

In particular, we focus on Norbert Owino.

Norbert from experience understands the stress and great toll obstetric fistula has on the social, financial and health of women and girls. From how many are forced to leave their jobs, shunned, divorced and discriminated.When his wife Anna, suffered the debilitating child birth injury following three days of labor, it was not easy on her and the family.

She became withdrawn, and what’s more, no matter the remedy they sought, nothing worked, and for five years, her life came to a standstill. Luckily and despite the negative advice from family and friends, Norbert stepped up, helping around the house and was on a firm mission to seek help for the wife’s predicament. Now dry and healthy, Anna is raising a happy family and enjoying every bit of her marriage. Anna says that her husband’s full support, made her journey a whole lot easier. Anna joined a fistula support group and the voices of hope and action movement, while Norbert joined the male involvement group, together they help shed light about fistula in communities and are a reference point for the community on health issues.

Today, Asha Mande, a 42-year-old mother of four children from Etete village was identified by Norbert during a sensitization session in her area.They visited the office for screening and referral services. Asha is headed to Cherangany nursing for free repair courtesy of the charity Fistula Foundation This month alone, Norbert has referred 9 more women for reconstructive surgery.

The fistula champion lives as an encouragement to other men. To help support efforts by people like Norbert who are always available to talk to men and provide key information on fistula prevention and availability of treatment. Visit https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/ your support helps transform lives.

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