Dear Friend,

Greetings, I write to share with you the amazing work done by our teams around the country. Today, we spotlight one intervention that continues to yield results.

The door to door sensitization on matters obstetric fistula prevention, treatment and care proves the most effective in reaching those most in need.

Having suffered the tragic child birth injury during the birth of her ninth child two decades ago, 65 year old Sella Apollo had her life literally turned upside down.

The widow endured severe stigma, discrimination and experienced panic attacks and self-harm.

Speaking to our Kakamega Field officer after a session of verbal screening, the resident of Ebubala village had this to say and I quote.

“It is so refreshing, foreign and feels so nice to know that there are still people out there who cares for people like me”.

Sella checked in at Cherangany nursing hospital and awaits reconstructive repair. Our teams will continue to closely follow her journey and support her every step of the way.

To join us in making a life changing difference in lives of women like sella click on https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/ your support transforms lives.

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