Fatuma has been part of the Habiballahi Director’s education program for the past 6 years, a program that strategically empowers lives of students from underprivileged backgrounds. The program provides comprehensive educational support and mentorship services that equips beneficiaries with vital skills.

Fatuma, a second year student at the University of Nairobi, is thankful for her sponsor Madam Habiba C N Mohamed whose generosity has helped with her educational needs.

She had a few kind words for the founder and lead director of Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) ;
“I would like to let you know that my stay at the University has been comfortable all the way from when I was admitted.
I really express my sincere gratitude towards your generous act of paying my fee.
…I can’t convey how appreciative I am that you decided to invest in my education.I am truly indebted to you. You have my word that your investment won’t go wasted or even taken for granted”.

Our easy to navigate website makes it easy for you to support the program and join the growing family of mentors. To donate visit https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/ thank you, your support makes a huge difference in the lives of our beneficiaries.

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