As we usher in a new week, we at Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) take a minute and reflect on the incredible previous week, with a focus on Thursday and Friday, which were a delight and memorable. When great minds meet, great things happen and this is so true as both days were absolutely a joy.

We had the extreme pleasure to host partners and friends from Johnson & Johnson and the Fistula Foundation’s Kenyan team, who had the chance take part in our day to day activities and witness the interventions the help shape and transform the lives of Obstetric fistula patients and survivors alike through the lens our outreach partners (Wadadia).

From having one on one interaction with program team, program beneficiaries and taking part in a well organized fistula outreach led by the male involvement- the group play a vital role in tackling stigma and misinformation to beat and end fistula.

Experience sharing, we had awesome testimonies from a number of fistula survivors and male involvement team members detailing the key roles prevention, treatment and reintegration programs played in their healing processes.

Best of all, both teams got down and dirty and joined forces to help put up a house for a Fridah Ngashira, who, left with no choice after losing her secretarial job and marriage coming to an abrupt end due to Fistula, together with her three then young boys moved back in with her mother. That we were all able to come together and put up a house for her from scratch is a feat. Friday, was the beginning of a new life for her.

Mwanahamisi also a survivor, highlighted how Wadadia’s reintegration and counseling program helped open doors, mend broken relationships and has enabled her set up and run a successful hairdressing, Barber and grains businesses.

The guest took part in the goat pass on ceremony that saw survivors take stock of their projects and chat way forward.

Big love and blessings to the Johnson and Johnson and Fistula Foundation teams for being part of the great work and achievements we we do with and for our program beneficiaries, this remains invaluable.

Nothing but love to everyone that came out and were involved from male involvement, Fistula survivors support groups, voices of hope for action movement members, religious leaders, MOH, local administrators and Wadadia team.

Let’s keep learning and tapping.

To new beginnings, friendships and inspiration.
The day’s photos.

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