Hello Partner and Friend,

Women’s history month is just around the corner and with it hosts #internationalwomensday observed on 8th March. The day calls for collective actions to accelerate gender equality and raise awareness against bias. This years theme is #BreakTheBias

In the next weeks leading up to the #IWD2022 at Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) we run a series dubbed #SheInspiresUs and send a big shout out to  honor powerful voices, movements and individuals speaking up for women’s rights and driving impact around #genderequality

Meet- Melanie Oracha a strong and brave woman and a fistula survivor, whose journey with Obstetric fistula to empowerment brings to the fore the importance of involving and empowering survivors to be change makers in their communities.

When Melanie joined Wadadia’s rehabilitation and reintegration program, she put her mind to it, stayed at it and excelled. She later joined Wadadia team as a staff,  looking for an opportunity to make a difference and she got that and so much more.

The now hairdressing trainer and community health volunteer is making positive waves in her community and beyond.

With her work, she aims to send a positive and hopeful message that fistula doesn’t have to be the end, because it’s preventable and treatable.

The 62 year-old has a decade long experience educating community on reproductive health choices and rights. She actively raises awareness on obstetric fistula prevention and treatment, with the end- goal of ending fistula.

Empowering women, Melanie says, is and will always be Wadadia’s main focus.

” Honestly, I never thought I’d be here right now, I am so thankful to the doctors and especially Wadadia for encouraging me, giving me a chance to make a difference and thrive”.

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