When labor began, Maureen went to a nearby clinic and painfully struggled for three days, her baby was saved, born healthy, and she still is grateful, however, she was not so lucky as she discovered herself continuously leaking stool through her vagina.

She returned to the clinic but they weren’t much help, they gave her painkillers and sent her back home.

Repulsed by her condition, her husband rejected her, married another woman and left with no choice, she returned to her parents’ home, devastated.

After three more months, and when she had regained her physical energy, she sought help at a different clinic where she was informed she had an Obstetric fistula and was handed a telephone number of our Siaya Field officer Vincent Juma.

A series of screening both on phone and in person confirmed that Maureen’s condition was rectovaginal fistula. A condition that is preventable and treatable.

Today, thanks to our team’s effort she checks in at Vihiga county hospital for repair.

After surgery, women may choose to attend the Reintegration Program which includes vocational skills training that empowers them to generate their own income. With empowerment skills, women are welcomed back into their communities with valuable skills to provide goods and services appreciated by all and that support themselves and their families.

To enable more fistula survivors access our comprehensive reintegration and rehabilitation programs visit: https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/








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