Meet an all smiley Nuru, the newest beneficiary of the Habiballahi Director’s Education and Mentorship scholarship fund, having registered 316 marks in the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education.

The fund targets bright students from vulnerable backgrounds was funded and run by Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) Founder and Lead Director Ms. Habiba C N Mohamed

Speaking with her mentor Ms. Glory Nyangena, Wadadia’s Kilifi program manager, Nuru shared her heartfelt gratitude and a word of promise, noting that despite the fact that she reports weeks after the scheduled form one reporting, she will do her very best to catch up and excel in her studies.

A bit of her back story: 15 year old Nuru is orphaned and living in an orphanage named a chembe joyouse children’s home in mbaraka Chembe area in malindi kilifi county. The 3rd born in a family of 4 experienced extreme hardships and tough living conditions that saw her eldest brother drop out of school, her then 14 year old sister get married to escape poverty and ill treatment from their then step mother.

Nuru’s grand mother being disabled and living in deplorable conditions approached Chembe joyouse children’s home and begged them severally to take Nuru from her step moms hostility, finally she was accepted at the children’s home at the age of 6. She has been top in her class ever since and sat her KCPE last year which she scored 316 marks. The children’s home couldn’t raise her fee and shared with us during one of our visit to the home with other stakeholders. Thats how we picked her story and shared with Founder and Lead Director, who after making a follow up, has paid her full year’s fee and given her pocket money.

To support the Habiballahi Director’s Education and Mentorship program, visit:
https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/ anytime you give to our education program, you enable orphans like Nuru get a fair chance and break the cycle of poverty.

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