Dear Partner,

Today, we write reintroduce you to one of our students in the education and mentorship program who shares the impact of growing up in a residential care.

She states that living in children’s home has its shares of highs and low. Mostly it has been filled with struggles and hardships and despite the fact that she scored very well in primary, it was almost difficult for her to continue her education, this weighed heavily on her young shoulders, untill our team heard about her predicament.

Meet Nuru David, the 17 year old lives in residential care- Chembe Joyous Children’s Home in Kilifi County and is a beneficiary of our Habiballahi Director’s Education and Mentorship fund a program initiated and run by our Founder and Lead Director Ms. Habiba C N Mohamed who is passionate about protecting the rights of women and girls, she is vocal about women empowerment and does her bit by investing and creating a better future for bright yet needy girls to escape the cycle of poverty through education.

Nuru visited our Kilifi office to share her progress report, had a session with the psychosocial support officer and mentor where they developed a clear blueprint to help her academically, socially and mentally.

Let’s unpack the Habiballahi Director’s Education and Mentorship Fund:

▶️ Established and run by WADADIA Founder and Lead Director.
▶️ Supports bright yet less privileged students.
▶️ Targets boys and girls.
▶️ Students are assigned mentors.
▶️ Our psychosocial support team closely monitors and offers these students support to ensure they are comfortable and they thrive.
▶️ The fund is open to all well-wishers who can contribute towards the general kit.

Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) we know that educating girls has a multifold impact, when they stay in school they avoid economic and health risks associated with getting married early.

Get involved today and transform the future of the girls we support by visiting https://cpmove-wadadian2.local/donate/

You can also send your contributions direct from your mpesa to our cooperative bank account. Follow the prompts;
ACCOUNT 314213#habiballahi your contributions tremendously transforms lives.

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