Meet Emily Chepor: At just 21 years old, Emily has already faced more challenges than most people do in a lifetime. As a mother of two, she bravely navigated through the darkest times after suffering from sexual assault and domestic violence at the hands of her boyfriend, the father of her children.

Her case was brought to the attention of our team in West Pokot by her area chief.

Emily underwent psychosocial support and counselling helping her find strength within herself and the support group. Early last month, she sought refuge in our rehabilitation and reintegration program at WADADIA Mumias Center, she chose dressmaking as her path to independence and self-sufficiency.

In her own words, “Thank you, WADADIA, for stepping in and giving me a second chance. I am committed to creating a better life for my daughters.”

WADADIA works round the clock addressing gender-based violence and intimate partner violence, offering support, first aid, and legal advocacy to survivors like Emily.

At WADADIA we believe in the power of community and the importance of standing together against injustice.

Join us in supporting Emily and others like her. Your contribution can make a difference in someone’s life. Together, we can turn despair into hope and empower survivors to rebuild their lives. Visit to learn more about how you can contribute to the Gender and intimate partner violence project and make a lasting impact.

#WADADIA #EndGBV #SurvivorStories #Empowerment

