Monday Motivation: Valentine’s Journey.

Meet Valentine Chepowon, a 20-year-old domestic violence survivor from Koporoch, West Pokot. As the youngest of eight siblings, life took a turn for the worse after losing her father over a decade ago. Struggling to make ends meet, her siblings had to abandon their education and take on odd jobs, while their mother, often ill, couldn’t provide the support they needed.

Valentine herself was forced to drop out of school and work as a housekeeper, where she faced unimaginable trauma at the hands of her employer.

Her plight caught the attention of a village elder who brought her case to our Makutano Office. Our psychosocial support team stepped in, offering her counseling and a path toward healing and empowerment. Valentine joined our reintegration and vocational skills training program, diving into computer studies with dreams of opening her cyber cafe.

Becoming part of a GBV (Gender-Based Violence) support group has been nothing short of life-changing for Valentine. “I am no longer alone,” she shares. “WADADIA connected me to a strong network of support that keeps tabs on my well-being. I am healing.”

Women And Development Against Distress In Africa(WADADIA) stands against domestic violence and supports survivors like Valentine in their journey to reclaim their lives.

💪 To support the Gender-Based Violence program Visit: every amount counts and brings us much closer to ensuring that stories like Valentine’s do not end in despair but rather transform into one of courage and resilience.



