” The journey of WADADIA began with a pivotal moment that forever changed my path. As a veterinarian, I was dedicated to improving the lives of animals through my work. However, during a visit to a farmer’s home to offer artificial insemination (AI) services, I encountered something that would profoundly alter my purpose.

On this cold afternoon, I responded to my farmer’s call for AI services, with the understanding that timing is everything. However, on arrival at the homestead, the farmer was not there, and I had to find my way around the homestead so as not to lose the golden opportunity to service the animal on time. A tiny face kept popping into my peripheral vision as I walked around a smattering of houses. The face would disappear as quickly as it appeared, just beyond where my eyes could see. I was making no progress in finding the family, but this face followed me wherever I turned. Finally, curiosity got the best of me. I snuck around a house to see if I could find that little face. What I saw when I rounded the corner marked a turning point in my life.

Behind the house, hidden from view, a small boy, not more than four years old, tied up, neglected and isolated. The little boy was disabled and had defecated on himself. Tears swelled in my eyes like a flash flood; the sight of that boy swept away everything I thought I knew about the world. As a girl, I had been protected from the harsh realities of our society. How could someone do this to a child? I thought. All I could do at that moment was retrieve a bowl of porridge that had been placed out of the boy’s reach and set it down at his level. He was dirty, ravenously hungry, and alone.

I left the village, but the image of that boy wouldn’t leave my mind. I had so many questions in my mind, I wanted to know why and what could have led this injustice. When I got home, I ran straight to my dad, I needed someone to talk to, someone to assure me that my mind was only playing games on me and that what I saw was not true. My dad listened in silence as I poured my heart out with tears in my eyes for almost an hour. Only when I couldn’t say no more, did he hold my hand and said “Mum, I wish I could tell you that you are mistaken about what you saw, however, those are the realities we have to leave with in the society, you are an adult now and you may need to face bigger issues than what you just saw”.

This was my “aha” moment. The catalyst that led me to search for deeper meaning and question how I could make significant impact on the lives of those who are most vulnerable.

Upon investigation, I discovered that his only “crime” was being born disabled and out of wedlock. His mother, a 14-year-old girl, had been cast out by her family for bringing what they saw as disgrace upon them. As I listened to this young mother’s story, my perspective on humanity shifted. It became clear that her experience was not an isolated case but part of a much larger issue affecting countless women and children. A desire to understand and address the injustices faced by marginalized women and girls, and particularly those faced by female sex workers was ignited within me.

This journey led to the founding of WADADIA, a non-profit organization dedicated to women’s health and empowerment. It also marked a significant shift in my professional life. From a veterinarian to a counseling psychologist and community change program specialist, addressing the complex and critical needs of women and children.

WADADIA was born from the belief that everyone deserves dignity, care, and the opportunity to thrive. It started as an informal group of sex workers at a village level and has since grown to a national non-profit organization dedicated to holistically empowering marginalized women and girls in Kenya and across Africa.

At WADADIA, we are committed to providing psychosocial support, advocating for reproductive health, and promoting socio-economic rights, all with the goal of restoring dignity and creating lasting change in the lives of those we serve.” As Ms Habiba C Mohamed WADADIA’s Founder and lead director sharing our story


Holistic Fistula Care


SGBV Survivors




Education & Mentorship




Your donation renews hope for the most marginalized. Please help us restore dignity and create a lasting impact.