Hey Fam? As we head into the weekend, we thought it best to share some #feelgood Friday inspiring and empowering moments in regards to our rehabilitation and reintegration program.

Meet the lovely 18-year-old Nami Chepkasir a survivor of gender-based violence and obstetric fistula from Kerelwa, West Pokot.

Nomi faced unimaginable challenges in her patriarchal community.

She survived sexual assault at the tender age of 14 at the hands of a trusted and respected family member, to avoid chaos, members of her family somehow found a way to blame her and they covered up the heinous act. Months later they discovered Nomi was expectant, to avoid shame, they sent her to her grandmother, miles away from her home.

Never once did she attend antenatal clinic due to ignorance and more so lack of access to medical care

She endured prolonged and obstructed labor that went on for two days straight resulting in stillbirth and later suffered from urinary and fecal incontinence

Her strength didn’t break her spirit! 3 years later,still living with her aged grandmother, her area leader Ms. Chebet came across her devastating state and linked her to our office where she was screened and then successfully repaired at Kapenguri County Referral Hospital earlier last year.

She found refuge in our rehabilitation program, received counseling services, and joined a fistula survivors support group. She undertaking hairdressing skills at our Mumias Center.

Now 18, Nomi looks forward to rejoining her family and community and providing hairdressing services door-to-door, while saving up to open her own shop

We urgently need your support to combat gender-based violence. To join us in our zeal to create a world free from gender-based violence and support survivors like Nomi Donate now https://wadadia-nonprofits.org/donate/







